The Claremont Network consists of experienced Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs), Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs), Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs), and/or Psychologists (PH.Ds). Claremont providers are in private practice and maintain their own schedules. We value diversity and our network includes all necessary clinical specialties.
What is the admission process for becoming a provider?
Providers are accepted on our panel by invitation only. Prospective providers can contact Claremont at (888) 699-7675 to request a provider application package, or complete our Contact Us form. We review all applications and will contact qualified providers to complete the application process.
Why should a provider consider joining Claremont's network?
No management of EAP visits
Timely payment
Streamlined paperwork
Masters' level counselors answer our phones
Collegial approach
Provider-friendly referral process
What are Claremont's expectations of providers?
We view our providers as trusted partners. We rely on your professional expertise and clinical judgment in working toward our common goal of providing the best possible clinical services to our clients.